Saturday, July 11, 2009

a wild horse chase......and we caught those buggers.

Its a bit difficult to remember yesterday, much less 9 days ago, but here it goes...

Flatter and flatter the landscape becomes. On our way to Jackson, Wyoming. Hunger drives us right into Rock Springs for a bite....and as i am chowing down, I notice Chris staring at the table behind me....he has technology envy. The guy at the next table is using photoshop on his computer...chris has been trying to get it. And then we inquire about the awesome pictures of horses this guy is editing. He says, “yeah, there are some wild horses out in these just have to drive down this one dirt road and you may or may not see some.” Done and done....we hopped in the car for our Wild Horse Chase.

[Gassing up for the Wild Horse Chase]

One wrong dirt road turn later, and we were hot on their heels....and I saw a badger butt...for real.
Driving, driving, driving on the little dirt road.....[45 mins of nothing but inspiring vistas and rain droplets] “Okay chris...I think we should go back....we have to make it to Jackson before nightfall.”

“Okay, if we dont see any just over this next ridge, lets turn back,” he says.
And vuala....there they were. Just a hangin. Wild, wild horses....come to take me away.....
We snuck up pretty close to get some pho-toe-ma-jo's ....they didn't seem to mind. [it was awesome! about nine scattered over the plains, eating, grooming, and staring at us as we approached]

So that was our big event of the day...and we thought it would be the only spectacular thing that we encountered....and then ka-bam....the earth drastically plunges up up and away...all sprinkled with this crazy white powder stuff...i think its called snow? It was really something...Grandadda Teton...your cool...a little too cool for my liking, but nice to look at anyhow.

So that must be the last spectacularism of the day...right? there cant possibly be more....oh yes there can my dear.....

We arrived at my buddy Steve's house and he was a cookin, as Steve does....[Dude Steve is the man. One whif and I was in love.]
“Is beer-can chicken okay with you guys? With roasted potatoes and salad?” he says upon arrival.....uh, yeah......delicioso!....A bottle of Prosecco, a bottle of wine, lots of hugs, and a full, full belly later he says...“Let me show you to your room with bunk beds, and here are 2 towels for you guys.” [This cabin is a dream cabin, minus the garden eating Clydesdale next door]
I love you Steve!!!!! The host with the when in Jackson, Wyoming, I suggest The Steve B&B...there is nothin like those Laotian ginger eggs steveo!


We were then later introduced to Steve's 2 ladies....Sarah and miss Lucy (one of the coolest dogs ever).
And we were slowly realizing why Steve has not left Jackson. It is a beautiful, fun area...somewhere you would want to settle. Steve and Sarah continued to show us a good time for the next few days...
a tram ride to the top of the Tetons, a fancy dinner ( I ate bone marrow....ummmm, and lots and lots of pig....there was bacon with wild cherries, wild boar wrapped in bacon with bacon drippings...i thought chris was going to have a heart attack...especially when he tried the bone marrow....he gave me the rest of his...not a fan apparently). Oh, and we had fried doughnuts for dessert with 3 toppings...yeah, i gained like 3 pounds in the one night. [we were working out well up until that day...mmm worth it.]

[Tram Mania..must have been the altitude]

[The big reveal]

We all celebrated the 4th together...another delicious food extravaganza! Steve and Sarah's friends Matty and Mercedee had a party...and everyone was least all of the dogs in town showed up! Dang! We drove over to Victor, Idaho, (who da hoe, I da hoe) where they live, and went to a little swaree [soiree] at the Knotty Pine pub. Drove all the way to Idaho to see a dude from Austin get down on the gui-tar.
Awesome. Papa Mali.

[bbq day]

[Cat and her horse!]

[Cori n Steve]


[Fire Monster!]

The next morning we had the famed huckleberry shake at a local dive....freakin yummmy!
I'll be your huckleberry....[my step-dad Skip told us of this shake way back in Colorado Springs...and yes Skip, it is that good!]

So basically, Jackson and the vicinity = good food and great people.
Thanks again guys! [Seriously, your hospitality and good vibes are the stuff of legend! Keep in touch so i can repay the favor sometime]

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